“See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him” (1 Jn 3:1).

As children of God, we are not exempt from sharing in the suffering of our Father because people often do not know Him and His love for them; suffering because of the perceived darkness that still hangs over a part of humanity.

While a considerable percentage of humanity has not yet received the true proclamation of Christ, and a large part is involved in religions that have an imperfect or distorted image of God and cannot reach Him on their own, there is another percentage that cannot freely practise the holy faith. But the greatest suffering for our Father is certainly caused by those who have known the Gospel, but it has not taken root in them, so that they live far from His precepts.

If the world does not know God, it will not know His children. They will remain incomprehensible to men in their love for God, even though it is they who bear witness to the existence and goodness of our Father.

Does this mean that we should give up and abandon our efforts?

To answer this question, let us look at the example given by the Father Himself in the Message to Mother Eugenie, when He says

“Would men know Me? Would they listen to Me? Nothing in the future was hidden from Me; I Myself answered these two questions: “They will ignore My presence, even though they will be near Me. In My Son they will treat Me cruelly, notwithstanding all the good He will do for them. In My Son they will speak ill of Me, they will crucify Me to bring about My death.” Shall I stop because of this? No, My love for My children, men, is too great”.

If this is how they treated the Master, this is what awaits His disciples (cf. Mt 10:24-25). But they do not give up because God’s love is too great. This makes them true children.