If we listen to the Lord and follow His call, He makes us share in His plan of salvation. The Holy Scriptures tell us how Jesus sends his apostles to carry the message of salvation everywhere: “You will be my witnesses (…) to earth’s remotest end” (Acts 1:8b).

In the Message to Mother Eugenia, God Father tells us:

“As I desire most to be known by all of you, so that you can all enjoy, even here on earth, My goodness and My tenderness, make yourselves apostles to those who still do not know Me and I will bless your toil and efforts, preparing great glory for you with Me in eternity!”

The apostles are inflamed with the desire to serve the One who has sent them. They no longer seek themselves, but only want to do the will of the Father, as Jesus Himself tells us: “My food is to do the will of the one who sent me, and to complete his work” (Jn 4:34).

The question is always present in them: How can I grasp the love of the Father even more deeply, in order to glorify Him with the greatest possible love? How can I proclaim to people the true image of the Father, making Him known as He really is?

The struggle for holiness of these apostles is not only focused on their own salvation, but they know that by growing in love, God’s presence will increase in them and thus they will be able to be bearers of more light for the lives of people.

Nor do the apostles forget that Jesus assured them: “If anyone serves me, my Father will honour him” (Jn 12:26b). If love for God is awakened in us, we will want to be as close as possible to the Lord in eternity. Thus, our motivation to proclaim the Gospel becomes a torrent of love, which flows unceasingly from the Throne of the Lamb (cf. Rev 22:1). The apostles of God’s love undertake every effort and toil out of love for their Lord and for mankind. Indeed, it is precisely these efforts and labours for the sake of the Lord, which become precious gold stored in the treasury of God.