“Be sure of my love. It is indestructible” (Inner Word).
The certainty of God’s love is the foundation on which we can build our whole life, both in time and in eternity. In every situation we find ourselves in, His love is present to strengthen us, comfort us and lift us up.
The certainty of this love comes to us through faith and is increasingly interiorised in the journey of following the Lord. It is necessary to cling to this love and not allow ourselves to be confused by internal or external difficulties. Whenever this love is challenged by various circumstances, whether external or internal, we must consider them as temptations that seek to attack the foundation that sustains us. We must fight against them, even if our feelings are trying to tell us something else. We counter them by saying: ‘Thank you, Lord, for your love’.
The cultivation of love is essential. Just as in conjugal love it is necessary to take time to be close to each other, not only in common tasks and in the fulfilment of obligations, but also in the loving gaze of the ‘you’, so it is in the relationship with God. Our Father loves to be alone with us so that the special nature of His divine love, the tenderness and intimacy of the exchange of love can penetrate the depths of our hearts. In these moments our Father turns His attention to us as if we were the only person in the world, the only one He loves, just as a couple in love can forget everything around them in their love for each other.
It is precisely these intimate moments of contemplation that strengthen in the soul the certainty of God’s love for us and the indestructibility of His love, which we can only reject by leaving the state of grace.