“Be vigilant, but not afraid; be courageous, but not careless; be contemplative, but at the same time active” (Inner Word).

These words contain essential elements for a life of attentiveness in the following of Christ: it is a life totally centred on the Heavenly Father and which takes responsibility for the vocation entrusted to us as people redeemed by Christ.

God the Father forms all those who are willing to work in the Lord’s vineyard, so that they may reap the fruits that glorify Him and serve mankind.

Vigilance is a key concept for our life, so that we do not succumb to the attraction of this world, which leads us to nothingness and away from God. It is not the world that should define our lives and be our model, but rather the divine life given to us by grace that should shape us and permeate and transform the world.

This requires courage, for divine life encounters resistance: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it” (Jn 1:5). If we wish to shine as the light of the world, as the Lord exhorts us (cf. Mt 5:14), we must not be intimidated by the opposition we may encounter. At the same time, we must avoid all recklessness that overestimates oneself and one’s possibilities and is therefore not rooted in our Father.

Without the recollection that allows us to rest in the Father’s Heart, activities risk becoming rough and can lead to distraction. On the other hand, when they spring from recollection, they acquire a “divine flavour” and the inner union with the Father makes them agile and very effective.