“But Yahweh God called to the man. ‘Where are you?’ he asked” (Gen 3:9).

These are the first words that the Father addresses to man after he has fallen into sin. He expresses all his love in how he seeks us.

This search of God for us will continue until we have reached eternity, where we will be able to fully accept God’s love, and our faith will become beatific vision.

Adam had lost his original innocence… The magnificent work of God, who had created man in his image and likeness and breathed into him an immortal soul, was tarnished. The shadow of sin seduced him and would accompany him from then on.

“Adam, where are you?” – We can perceive our Father’s suffering in this question. His creature, whom He had so blessed and favored, where is he now? He is lost in confusion!

“Adam, where are you?” – Our Father calls to man wherever he is. If he is in confusion, He invites him to leave behind the way of sin and error, and to accept the grace of Redemption.

“Adam, where are you?” – Once man begins to listen and respond to Him, God will invite him to be closer and closer to Him.

“Adam, where are you?” – Once he has consciously embarked on the path of following his Son, the Father will invite him into a relationship of friendship.

“Adam, where are you?” – Once man lives in this friendship, the Father will be able to confide his innermost desires to him.

“Adam, where are you?” – Once he has fulfilled the task entrusted to him, God will call him to live forever with Him in heavenly joy.

Then, Adam, you will have come home and the Lord God will no longer have to look for you…