About me

My name is Elijah. 

I adopted this name with the consent of my father confessor.

When I was 27 years old (1977), after a long spiritual search, I had an encounter with Jesus and recognized Him as Lord and Messiah. In 1980, I found my way into the Catholic Church. That same year I founded the Agnus Dei Community, which I led for two decades. Although I no longer preside over it, I continue to serve it as a consultant.

I live as a monk, often retreating to a hermitage where I can cultivate contemplation in a special way. However, the proclamation of the Catholic faith is so important to me that I devote much time to apostolic work: I prepare daily meditations on the readings of the day or other spiritual topics, record talks on various topics related to the interior life (https://www.youtube.com/@elijerusalem-English), try to cultivate a loving relationship with the Heavenly Father through a daily impulse called “3 minutes for Abba” (https://t.me/threeminutesforAbba), among other apostolates.

To this I add the spiritual direction of Harpa Dei and the correspondence with many people who write to me with their questions about the way of faith or to ask for advice for their lives.

My great desire is to live and transmit the following of Christ in an authentic way. From my point of view, there is nothing more important for people than to find true faith, to encounter God’s love and to follow the Lord. If He makes my life fruitful for this purpose, I will be very grateful to my Lord.