“Your heart needs to be enlarged because a most loving God dwells in it” (Inner Word).

Often our hearts are so small and narrow, apart from the fact that there are so many things in them that need to be purified by the love of God. This is foremost the work of the Holy Spirit, sent to us by the Father and the Son.

We know that God, who is infinite, can make Himself so small that He can draw people to Himself. That is why He can enter our hearts, however narrow they may be, as long as we do not close the doors to Him. But once He is there, the heart cannot remain in its narrowness, because the Father Himself will widen it. It must be enlarged and opened wide, because God’s love cannot remain closed in a narrow heart. No! He wants to love, love, love….

Cautiously, but with determination, our Lord leads us along this path of love. Sometimes we can move quickly and love begins to burn in us, so that we think we can do anything, lit by this fire. Certainly, when love burns brightly, everything becomes easier for us and we feel supported by it.

But then there are days that are difficult for us and we feel that we cannot love at all. But these days are a great opportunity to grow in love. In spite of the inner emptiness we may feel, we must simply do what we are meant to do and offer it to our Father, allowing Him to enlarge our hearts in the midst of the darkness of our feelings.

There is no doubt that the loving God who dwells in our hearts wants to love others through us. So it will please Him if we try to put into practice what Scripture teaches about how to treat others. Even small steps enlarge the heart!

Let us thank the Lord for entering our hearts and enlarging them so that He feels completely at home there.