“I have come to bring peace with this work of love. I will let a ray of peace fall upon anyone who honours Me and trusts in Me” (Father’s message to Sister Eugenia Ravasio).
Peace has always been and will always be a fundamental theme. It touches all areas of human life: the inner life, the life of communities, the life of nations.
How important is this theme today, how much we need peace!
But true peace – that is, the peace of which Jesus speaks (Jn 14:27) – can only come when we live in harmony with God and His commandments.
It cannot be otherwise, because any deviation from God’s will brings disorder, which can spread to all areas of human life. Often people do not even notice it because they do not know the difference and what it is like to have inner peace, which in turn is offered as a gift to others.
Our Heavenly Father wants to bring us that peace which only He can implant in the depths of the soul when a person honours and trusts Him. Then they recognise their vocation to live as a child of God in communion with the Father, who is Peace Himself.
This is not difficult, and our Father makes it easy for everyone to recognise it. It is enough to take a step towards Him, however timid and uncertain it may be. Everything else will follow.
If only man would try, turn to His Father and ask Him for the grace to meet Him more deeply, then a ray of peace could penetrate his heart. This first step is what our Father is waiting for, just like the father in the parable who always waited for his son to return (Lk 15:11-32).
We just have to try! And then the miracle of love will happen.