“He who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name” (Lk 1:49).

Is there any other creature on earth who could pronounce these wonderful words more perfectly and glorify the Heavenly Father more?

No, only the Virgin Mary, the beloved daughter of our Heavenly Father, can do this in such a perfect way. She alone, preserved from original sin and filled with grace in view of the Saviour’s Incarnation, can utter these words with such incomparable humility and spiritual beauty that the Heart of our Heavenly Father is always filled with joy for His chosen Daughter.

But we too can repeat these words of hers, for through the Divine Son born of her womb, the Heavenly Father has also chosen us to bear abundant fruit for His glory.

He gives us the Virgin Mary not only as a model to imitate, but also as our Mother, so that Jesus may be born in us and we may be conformed to His image and likeness.

Our Most High Lord has done great works for the Virgin Mary and for all people, adorning them with His holiness. Everything our Father does is permeated with the radiance of holiness, because He is holy and holiness flows from Him like an inexhaustible spring that pours out on us human beings.

Our loving Father has not only given us His own Son, but He has also given us another perfect sign of His love in the Virgin Mary, who is a reflection of His holiness.

Our heavenly Mother never tires of proclaiming God’s holiness, and our Father will never withdraw His favour from her. Therefore, the Virgin Mary, Queen of all human beings and angels, will be able to repeat and testify for all eternity:

“He who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name”.