“I will once again cast out the net of my love” (Inner Word).

In the midst of the present darkness, can we count on our Father to once again grant a great grace for evangelization, especially at a time when countries that were once strongly marked by the Christian faith have fallen into an almost universal forgetfulness of God and sometimes even into a neo-paganism?

Yes, we can count on it, because our Father does not give up or stop fighting for men. If the appointed shepherds do not carry out their ministry, or at least not enough, the Lord will call others to take over and carry out this task, according to the gifts that God has given to each one.

Let us look at the Father’s Message to Sister Eugenia Ravasio. In 1932 He addressed these words to her: “This century is privileged above all others (…), souls need a certain divine touch, and time presses; (…) I will help you in your efforts and your work”.

And further He says:

“If there is something that I desire, above all now, it is simply to see more fervour on the part of the just, a smooth path for the conversion of sinners, sincere and persevering conversion, and the return of the prodigal sons to their Father’s house. I am referring in particular to the Jews (…), the schismatics, the heretics, the freemasons, the poor infidels, the sacrilegious, and the various secret sects”.

All are called, then, as the Father says in the message: “Whether in season or out of season, everyone must learn that there is one God and one Creator”.

It is up to us, the faithful, to cooperate with this grace and, in the face of the enormous confusion of these times, to go out even more resolutely to cast the net of love with the Lord.