“Yes, you are My children and you must tell Me that I am your Father. But trust in Me as children do, because without this trust you will never be truly free” (Father’s message to Sister Eugenia Ravasio).

We gladly accept the Father’s invitation to know that we are His children and to live in communion with Him. A true exchange of love implies trust, which is the indispensable foundation of our relationship with the Father.

How liberating this trust can be, how it dissolves the “existential tension” in which we often live, how we learn through it to find support in our Father in all situations and thus to experience His unceasing providence!

We will learn to entrust our past to God’s mercy, to face the present in Him and to move serenely into the future.

It is always trust that sets us free, and through it we also regain that intimate and close relationship with our Heavenly Father that we lost as a result of the fall into sin.

Each time we make an act of trust, it takes deeper root in our heart and becomes the normality that our Father desires so that our relationship with Him becomes radiant and free.

What will happen to us when this trust in His infinite love becomes our security and permeates all areas of our lives?

We will encounter love and our hearts will become more sensitive and delicate. We will know more easily when we have offended love in the slightest, and we will return more easily to our Father. It will be the feast of true freedom!