MEDITATIONS FOR LENT: Other aspects of fasting

In yesterday’s meditation we had begun to reflect on fasting and vigils as spiritual means of becoming more united to God, or as the Desert Fathers around St. Anthony used to say, “to unite ourselves more quickly to God with an agile spirit”. A more intimate union with the Lord is an essential help to counter the devil’s insidious attacks and to be prepared for spiritual warfare.Today, let us look more closely at the subject of fasting. Read More


“To listen to the Spirit is supreme wisdom; to live in intimacy with Him is a source of joy” (Inner Word).

The Father and the Son have not left us orphans (Jn 14:18), but have sent us the Holy Spirit to guide and strengthen us in all things. He is the Teacher and sure guide of our spiritual life. If we do not abandon or relativise the authentic doctrine and moral teaching that the Church has always handed down to us, then we fulfil the conditions for our Master to teach us ever more deeply.

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