MEDITATIONS FOR LENT: “Proclaiming the Gospel fearlessly”

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Before entering into the theme, let us briefly review the Lenten meditations: the spirit of discernment (discretio) urges us to enter consciously into a spiritual battle. Those who follow Christ know this struggle well. There are, however, two particular circumstances that we must always keep in mind, so that we “do not box as one beating the air” (cf. 1 Cor 9:26):

  1. The enemy is not only attacking from outside the Church, but also from within, and he has wide areas under his influence.
  2. He has penetrated right into the hierarchy, and from the very top he is trying to impose his pernicious course on the whole Church.

With this in mind, let us continue to listen to St Paul’s instructions to be prepared for battle:

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‘In my love, I have taken possession of you. You are mine!’ (Inner word).

This is the depth of our Father’s love for us! For His love it is not enough to shower us with blessings and let us know in every possible way how much He cares for us and protects us. No, His love goes far beyond that. Our Father wants to unite with us forever and establish His dwelling place within us. The mystics have described this unification with God in sublime terms, and sometimes they could not even find words for how intoxicated they were with His love.

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