Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord: “Rejoice, Christ is born!”

During the octave of Christmas, I would like to offer a simple meditation each day on the event of the Nativity of the Lord, interspersed with carols performed by Harpa Dei. I hope that this will help us to enter more deeply into the great mystery of this feast.

Rejoice, Christ is born! -is the cry of joy that fills heaven and earth. Rejoice, all you who have received this good news!

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Waiting for the Lord

How long the Israelites waited for the Messiah! Then, when He came and the promises began to be fulfilled, they did not recognise Him. What a tragedy! Now the believing Jews are still waiting for Him… They are also waiting for the coming of the Prophet Elijah, who is to precede the Messiah. But he too has already come: “If you will believe me, he is the Elijah who was to return”, says Jesus, referring to John the Baptist (Mt 11:14).  Read More