Pentecost Novena – Day 6: “The Holy Spirit and Mary”

If the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles at Pentecost marks the hour of the birth of the Church, then His descent upon Mary in Nazareth marks the beginning of the work of salvation (cf. Lk 1:35).

The Church teaches us that Mary was preserved from original sin in view of the Saviour who would be born of her. This is the dogma of the Immaculate Conception: that the Virgin Mary, by a special grace of God, preserved the state of paradisiacal innocence.

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“Open the ear of your heart! Let us listen with awakened ears” (St. Benedict).

It is a great spiritual art to know how to really listen, to listen attentively, as St. Benedict recommends to his monks. We are well aware of the innumerable voices, both from within and without, that seek our attention every day.

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