God longs for us men to love Him and that this love be also expressed in a special worship and veneration.

We can imagine what it is like when we ourselves are filled with love and want to share this love with others… And if we, who are so imperfect, are urged to transmit this love to others, how much more our Father, who is the very source of love! In fact, the worship and veneration that God the Father asks for, have as their profound aim that our hearts turn to Him and that we discover and correspond to the true sense of our existence.

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LENTEN ITINERARY | Day 15: “The fight against pride”

The most difficult spiritual vice to overcome is undoubtedly pride. It takes a constant struggle and a strong grace from God to flee from pride and to live in that humility which counteracts and decisively weakens it.

John Cassian describes pride in these terms: “It is a cruel beast, which fiercely attacks even the perfect and can wound with deadly poison those who are close to perfection”.

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