LENTEN ITINERARY | Day 6: “Shepherds for the sheep”

The reading read today at the Traditional Mass (Ez 34:11-16) is preceded by the Lord’s accusation against the shepherds of Israel: “For lack of a shepherd they have been scattered, to become the prey of all the wild animals; they have been scattered” (v. 5). There were no shepherds left to tend the flock. Those who had been appointed only shepherded themselves (v. 8).

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“God does not say, ‘Give me a heart like that of the angels’; rather, ‘Give me your heart.’ What He wants is your own heart; give it to Him as it is. He asks nothing more than what we are and what we have” (St. Francis de Sales).

Our current journey companion addresses us today with a comforting phrase, inviting us to approach our Father as we are. We do not need to artificially humble ourselves or present ourselves as great religious champions. We can and should come to Him as we really are and give Him our hearts. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit and with our cooperation, the Father will make it into a heart like His own. Read More