The dominion over sin

Rom 6:12-18

‘That is why you must not allow sin to reign over your mortal bodies and make you obey their desires; or give any parts of your bodies over to sin to be used as instruments of evil. Instead, give yourselves to God, as people brought to life from the dead, and give every part of your bodies to God to be instruments of uprightness; and then sin will no longer have any power over you – you are living not under law, but under grace. What is the implication? That we are free to sin, now that we are not under law but under grace? Out of the question! You know well that if you undertake to be somebody’s slave and obey him, you are the slave of him you obey: you can be the slave either of sin which leads to death, or of obedience which leads to saving justice.

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487th Meditation

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind” (Mt 22:37).

If we want to follow the loving invitation of our Father and try to center all our thoughts on Him, it is important to keep in our memory the works and the Word of God. When we meditate on the Psalms, for example, we will see that time and again the works of God are praised and admired with wonder and gratitude. If we internalize certain passages of the psalms, they can resonate within us as a “heart prayer,” keeping our souls awake in remembrance of the Lord. We should also turn everything that happens to us and that we see around us into a praise of God. Read More