A true conversion

It is with great joy that we look today at St. Augustine, whose conversion brought so much blessing to the Church. We can be sure that the prayer of his mother, St. Monica, and her struggle for him played an important role in Augustine’s finally finding the way to God. He himself wrote down his struggle in his so-called “Confessions”, a book that is always worth reading. He began to write it after the light of faith had shone on him; after he had understood how to live the following of Christ. Read More


429th Meditation

“You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in You.” (Confessions, i, 1, 1).

St. Augustine, the tireless seeker of God, left us these wonderful words. Whatever we try to fill our heart with, it will never find true peace or true happiness until it opens itself to the love of God. It is only for this love that it was created! Read More