MARIAN MEDITATIONS (3/3) – Mary: Bride of the Holy Spirit

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Beloved Virgin, how many manifestations of love shine forth in you!

In relation to the Father, we see you as a loving daughter; to the Son you are mother and disciple; to the Holy Spirit you are united in a spousal love.

If already here, in our earthly reality, we are moved by the tender love of a human spouse, and can observe how she blossoms and turns her whole heart and attention to her husband, how much more so is it with you, since your Bridegroom is the Holy Spirit Himself!

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416th Meditation

“When I contemplate with open eyes what You, my God, have created, I already possess heaven here” (St. Hildegard of Bingen).

We need eyes that see and ears that hear (Mt 13:16). Once these are opened, we begin to contemplate the glory of God. We discover everywhere the Father’s love in action, either to make His love known to us directly, or to fill us in superabundance with His beauty, or to heal the sick, remove evil from us and impel us to do all the infinite good that the infinitely Good One willed that we should do. Read More