415th Meditation

“Let my speech be acceptable to him: but I will take delight in the Lord” (Ps 103:34).

Vigilance in speaking is very pleasing to the Lord. In fact, He Himself exhorts us to clarity and unambiguity in our speech: “Let your speech be ‘Yes, yes’; ‘no, no’. That which is over and above these, is of evil” (Mt 5:37). The words that come from our lips must be like crystal-clear, unclouded water, flowing from a purified heart and rejoicing God and people. Read More

MARIAN MEDITATIONS (2/3) – Mary: Mother of the Son

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How exalted is the election granted to you, beloved Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ!

With astonishment we note that not only the Son of God Himself was entrusted to you, but also all those who belong to Him and sing the song of the redeemed (cf. Rev 14:3). And even more: you are the Mother of all men, and you become light and consolation for those who return home.

Many people come to you full of trust and appeal to your motherly heart, because they understand that your divine Son hears your pleas. Read More