The Father of all mankind

Through the meditations of the last days, we have been able to encounter God the Father more closely. Sometimes the negative experiences we have had in our lives prevent us from recognising the true image of God, for example, if the relationship with our biological father has been rather problematic. However, we should not let these experiences bring us down, but then it is all the more necessary for us to discover God as our loving Father, who can heal our wounds and fill any inner emptiness with Himself.

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REMARK: When we put “Inner Word” as a reference, these are statements that Brother Elias perceived in prayer.

“Live in intimate friendship with me. This friendship will deepen more and more, until you are completely with me in eternity” (Inner Word).

Friendship with our Heavenly Father is one of the most beautiful experiences in life. Just as Jesus called His disciples “friends” (Jn 15:15) and treated them as such, so the Father invites us to live in close friendship with Him. The word “close” is meant to underline even more the intimacy of this relationship. Read More