293rd Meditation

“I live close to man, (…) I can see his needs, his toils, all his desires, and My greatest happiness lies in helping him and saving him” (Father’s message to Sister Eugenia Ravasio).

Today we look at another aspect that makes our Father happy. Two days ago we had meditated on His joy in being among us; today we consider His tender and paternal happiness in assisting us in all situations, in doing us good and caring for those He loves. Read More


292nd Meditation

“Hand over to Me all that wants to burden you. I am your Father” (Inner Word).

The Father invites us to constantly hand over to Him the shadows that hover over our soul, wanting to overwhelm it and – if possible – to bring it to despondency. He is certainly not referring to that noble sadness that we may feel, for example, at our sins or at the death of a loved one. It is rather that vice which the desert fathers called “tristitia”. They even saw in it a demon, which takes over or even provokes melancholic feelings. Read More

PALM SUNDAY: The day Jesus was honoured

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“Hosanna to the son of David! Blessed is he who is coming in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest heavens!” (Mt 21:9)

The people are gathered, and for a short time that which corresponds to the reality of the coming of the Son of God is happening: He is received with rejoicing and joy, the people receive their true King, their Messiah, the one long promised! Read More

LENTEN ITINERARY | Day 39: “Conclusion of the Lenten itinerary”

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We are now on the threshold of Holy Week. From tomorrow, daily meditations, accompanied by a video and many songs, will lead us through the events of this week, which is rightly called the “Great Week” of the year.

The time has come to look back on the path we have travelled, to look at the fruits that have come from it and to give thanks to the Lord. Read More


289th Meditation

“Whatever good others do, prompted by us, will increase the splendour of our glory in heaven” (St. John Bosco).

This phrase fits very well into our daily reflections on God the Father, and we can place it in context with the Father’s Message, in which He asks us to pass on to people a deeper knowledge of God. How much will the splendour of our glory increase if others, prompted by us, begin to turn again to the Father and praise Him! Read More