303rd Meditation

“Look with me to the Father and you will achieve all things, whatever they may be” (Inner Word).

As we look with Jesus to the Father, everything that happens is transformed and becomes a constant surrender to our Heavenly Father. Nothing that Jesus said and did was ever contrary to the Will of God. Rather, the Son of God leads all humanity in need of redemption back to the Father. Read More


302nd Meditation

“Every child of God overcomes the world” (1 Jn 5:4a).

It is an illusion to believe that we, as Christians, can live as the world lives. It is an illusion if the pastors of the Church hierarchy think that we should adapt ourselves more to the world in order to win over the people of this time. It is an illusion to put the Christian faith on the same level as other religions, or even to want to create an ecumenical religious entity, in which all people have a place regardless of their creed, and pretend that this entity is greater than the Catholic Church. Read More

A time of comfort

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Acts 3:11-26

Everyone came running towards them in great excitement, to the Portico of Solomon, as it is called, where the man was still clinging to Peter and John. When Peter saw the people he addressed them, ‘Men of Israel, why are you so surprised at this? Why are you staring at us as though we had made this man walk by our own power or holiness? Read More


301st Meditation

“The world does not acknowledge us, because it did not acknowledge Him” (1 Jn 3:1b).

We can hope that, through a trustworthy witness on our part, people will find access to the love of our Heavenly Father. However, the words we have heard from the Apostle John exhort us always to be realistic. In the Prologue of his Gospel, St. John writes: “Light shines in darkness, and darkness did not comprehend it” (Jn 1:5). Read More


300th Meditation

“See what great love the Father has lavished on us by letting us be called God’s children — which is what we are!” (1 Jn 3:1)

As children of our Father we pass through this life. But “what we shall be in the future has not yet been revealed” – the Apostle John tells us further on. It will only be fully revealed to us when we come face to face with our Father in eternity. Read More


299th Meditation

“In God whose word I praise (…), in God I put my trust and have no fear; what can mortal man do to me?” (Ps 56:10-11).

Nowhere will we find true peace and security as long as the word of our Father does not become our daily food. In all situations that come our way, the Word of the Lord will nourish us. If we give ourselves unreservedly to our Father, we will know how to accept even the difficult situations in our lives from His hand, so that they will be transformed from within. Read More