310th Meditation

“Listen, my people, while I give you warning; Israel, if only you would listen to me!” (Ps 81:8).

We know a little of the great suffering that results when we do not listen to the voice of the Lord, when we do not heed His warnings and directives, when we deviate from His commandments… When this happens, a person turns away from the guidance of the Lord and can even fall under the sway of influences hostile to God. Thus, life can become a disaster. Read More

Even in the darkness Jesus is with us

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Jn 6:16-21

That evening the disciples went down to the shore of the sea and got into a boat to make for Capernaum on the other side of the sea. It was getting dark by now and Jesus had still not rejoined them. The wind was strong, and the sea was getting rough. They had rowed three or four miles when they saw Jesus walking on the sea and coming towards the boat. Read More