295th Meditation

“‘It is fulfilled’; and bowing his head he gave up his spirit” (Jn 19:30).

Today, together with the Heavenly Father and all the faithful, our gaze rests on the Cross on which the beloved Son hung. There, on the Cross erected on Calvary, the power of evil was broken by the manifest love of God. It is the Father who grants us true life through the sacrifice of His Son; a new life, which no longer has to hide from God because of its faults. “He was bearing our sins in his own body on the cross” (1 Pet 2:24), and we have been set free. Today is the great Friday, Good Friday! God, the Good One, has done all things well (cf. Mk 7:37). Read More

GOOD FRIDAY: Redeemed by love

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Judas consummated his betrayal and Jesus is apprehended. This happens after the Lord had accepted in Gethsemane the suffering from the hands of his Father and had given his ‘yes’ to all that was before him.

A YES that had to go through anguish and agony; a YES, after having asked his Father that, if possible, that cup might pass without his having to drink it (cf. Mt 26:39-44); a YES that expresses unconditional surrender to the Father; a YES out of love for us men. Read More