LENTEN ITINERARY | Day 29: Prayer in times of persecution

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We return today to the theme of prayer; this time from another perspective. Undoubtedly, prayer serves first and foremost to glorify the Lord and to bring the soul into and remain in the “great dialogue” with Him.

In liturgical prayer, we take part together with all the faithful in the prayer of the Bride (the Church) to her Bridegroom. In Holy Mass, as the culmination of liturgical prayer, we unite ourselves to the sacrifice of Our Lord on the Cross. This hierarchy in prayer life should always be preserved and cultivated. Read More

LENTEN ITINERARY | Day 28: The splendour of obedience

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In yesterday’s meditation we highlighted the obedience of St. Joseph, who promptly complied with God’s Will, as soon as he had recognised it. His attitude invites us to reflect more generally on the virtue of obedience, which is a great good when properly understood and practised.

Obedience is related to listening, paying attention, hearing, heeding…. Read More

LENTEN ITINERARY | Day 27: St. Joseph and the Mission of the Man

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On the occasion of the Solemnity of St. Joseph, we will reflect today, in context with our Lenten journey, a little on the one whom God chose to be the foster father of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Mt 1:16,18-21,24ª

Jacob fathered Joseph the husband of Mary; of her was born Jesus who is called Christ. This is how Jesus Christ came to be born. His mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph; but before they came to live together she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit.  Read More


276th Meditation

“If you knew how much I love you, you would always be joyful” – these words I recently heard inside myself.

If we internalise such a statement, our Father will be able to pierce through all the darkness that can spread in our soul. Thus, all the “no’s” in us can vanish through His loving “yes”. Read More

LENTEN ITINERARY | Day 25: “On contemplation (I)”

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Throughout our Lenten journey, I have mentioned contemplative prayer several times. Even if not everyone gets to experience the various levels of contemplation, it is good to at least know what this form of prayer is all about. In addressing this topic, I will keep in mind that most people who listen to these meditations do not live in a monastery, fully immersed in a contemplative life. I hope that some aspects of this meditation on contemplation will be helpful in making our life and prayer even more receptive to God’s presence. Read More


274th Meditation

“Day by day I will talk to you about My wishes for men, about My joys and My sorrows” (Father’s message to Sister Eugenia Ravasio).

These words to Mother Eugenia are certainly not addressed to her alone, but extend also to all those who cultivate an intimate relationship with the Heavenly Father. In various ways, they will be able to perceive His voice. Indeed, God invites all people into this relationship of deep trust, so that not only do we express and entrust all our concerns to Him, but He can also communicate to us what is in His Heart. Read More