274th Meditation

“Day by day I will talk to you about My wishes for men, about My joys and My sorrows” (Father’s message to Sister Eugenia Ravasio).

These words to Mother Eugenia are certainly not addressed to her alone, but extend also to all those who cultivate an intimate relationship with the Heavenly Father. In various ways, they will be able to perceive His voice. Indeed, God invites all people into this relationship of deep trust, so that not only do we express and entrust all our concerns to Him, but He can also communicate to us what is in His Heart. Read More

LENTEN ITINERARY | Day 24: “Giving the right place to prophetic messages”

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Today we take up again the theme of “private apparitions and revelations”. The latter are the messages received in apparitions or interior allocutions.

Yesterday I emphasized that we should pay attention to them, because – as long as they are authentic – they are guidelines given to us by the Lord, showing us a way and providing us with help in the concrete situation in which we find ourselves, whether at the level of the world or of the Church. Read More