LENTEN ITINERARY | Day 14: “The struggle against acedia and vainglory”

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On our journey towards the great Feast of the Resurrection, we have to go through each day consciously and with God’s grace, as a stage on the way. For this we need perseverance, for on our journey we may encounter a demon which the desert fathers called “acedia” or the “demon of the noonday”. This acedia – which we can describe as a spiritual sluggishness or laziness – is related to the “tristitia” (sadness) we were talking about yesterday. The monks in the desert were attacked by acedia, but we too can be affected by it, so it is good to know at least something about it.  Read More


264th Meditation

“It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep” (Ps 126:2).

As in yesterday’s meditation, the Father allows us, through this verse of the psalm, to have a glimpse into His heart, which is always concerned for us. God does not want to make our life’s journey more difficult; on the contrary, He wants to make it easier for us. We are to walk it in divine simplicity. Read More