193rd Meditation

“My soul has held fast to you, my God; for your sake I endured death by stoning.” (Lauds Antiphon for the Feast of St. Stephen).

These words would have exclaimed St. Stephen, expressing in them his great love for the Father. His soul belonged to God, Who had drawn him so close to His heart that He made him willing even to die for love of Him. Read More


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“Glory sing the cherubs in the fields of Bethlehem…”

You are not only the joy of Israel and of all mankind; you are also the joy of the angels, our friends in heaven.

How you must have rejoiced, beloved angels, when you recognised in God’s light His immense Wisdom in choosing this way of salvation!

Your songs of joy resound again in our hearts: “Glory to God in the highest heaven!” (Lk 2:14) Read More

Waiting for the Lord

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How long the Israelites waited for the Messiah! Then, when he came and the promises began to be fulfilled, they did not recognise him. What a tragedy! Now the believing Jews are still waiting for him… They are also waiting for the coming of the Prophet Elijah, who is to precede the Messiah. But he too has already come: “If you will believe me, he is the Elijah who was to return”, says Jesus, referring to John the Baptist (Mt 11:14). 

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190th Meditation


“In the daytime God sends his faithful love, and even at night; the song it inspires in me is a prayer to my living God” (Ps 42:9).

An attentive soul always waits for the Lord and experiences His help in the middle of the day, when it has to perform all the tasks entrusted to it. When she accepts God’s goodness, which always accompanies her like a warm ray of the “rising Sun from on high”, our Father makes her capable of everything. In this way, every day becomes an opportunity for God to pour out His goodness on this world through our daily ministry. Read More

Sixth O Antiphon: “O Rex gentium”

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O King of the nations, and their desire,

the cornerstone making both one:

Come and save the human race,

which you fashioned from clay.


All peoples are waiting for you, O King of nations.

Deep down they know it:

There must be the One who truly loves us;

There must be the One whom we willingly serve,

There must be the One who does not take advantage of us for his own interests,

He who does not oppress us,

The One who can be trusted without reservation!

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