198th Meditation 

“Be brave, take heart,

all who put your hope in the Lord” (Ps 30:25).

Again and again the Lord gives us courage, both in the Old and New Testament. It easily happens that, in the face of so much misery and affliction that we see in this world, we feel helpless. This is even more so when we perceive our own weaknesses and limitations. Read More

MEDITATIONS FOR CHRISTMAS (7/8): “Your light will drive away the darkness”

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Beloved Child, we have almost reached the end of these Christmas meditations, and also the year is about to end.

Beloved Lord, it has been such a strange and even absurd year for many people… To whom can they turn if not to You, who even in such confusing times are present, and perhaps in a special way when You see people’s need and distress? Read More