115th Meditation on God the Father

“Yet you are merciful to all, because you are almighty, you overlook people’s sins, so that they can repent” (Wis 11:23).

These words of Sacred Scripture reveal to us why our Father often waits so long for humans to convert, while we would have long since lost patience and invoked judgment upon them. The disciples also had to learn this lesson, when they wanted to bring down fire from heaven on a village that did not welcome Jesus (Lk 9:51-56). Read More

A SERIES ON THE SPIRITUAL LIFE: The Asceticism of Thoughts (Part II)

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NOTE: As long as we continue these lectures on the spiritual life, we will always include in the text a link to a meditation on the reading or the Gospel of the day, if we have them available.

Gospel (Lk 17:11-19):

The Gratitude

Rejection of evil thoughts

Every voluntary – that is, conscious – thought that is opposed to God and mankind must be radically combated.

Just as in following Christ we avoid every evil action, even if we have to do violence to ourselves in order not to give in to temptation, so we must do the same with our thoughts. In fact, thoughts normally precede actions and prepare the way for their execution and realization. Read More