Invested by mercy in the service of God

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2 Cor 4:1-2.5-7

Reading for the memorial of St. Gregory the Great

Such by God’s mercy is our ministry, and therefore we do not waver but have renounced all shameful secrecy. It is not our way to be devious, or to falsify the word of God; instead, in God’s sight we commend ourselves to every human being with a conscience by showing the truth openly. Read More


79th Meditation on God the Father


“You will never feel truly free nor truly happy until you recognize Me as your Father and submit to My yoke, to be true children of God, your Father” (Message of God the Father to Sister Eugenia Ravasio).

When we think we can achieve freedom and happiness outside of God’s holy commandments, we find ourselves in the greatest deception. It is Lucifer’s deception, which makes people believe that they can determine their life according to their own ideas and that everything will turn out well. The opposite is the case! Read More