MARIAN MEDITATIONS (3/3) – Mary: Bride of the Holy Spirit

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Beloved Virgin, how many manifestations of love shine forth in you!

In relation to the Father, we see you as a loving daughter; to the Son you are mother and disciple; to the Holy Spirit you are united in a spousal love.

If already here, in our earthly reality, we are moved by the tender love of a human spouse, and can observe how she blossoms and turns her whole heart and attention to her husband, how much more so is it with you, since your Bridegroom is the Holy Spirit Himself! Read More


All people must realise that they have a most loving Father. This is the objective reality on which their lives are founded. Only by internalising this truth can they awaken to the fullness of life (cf. Jn 10:10b).

It is the Heavenly Father who can heal all our wounds and make us discover the loving meaning of our existence by making Himself known to us. Herein lies man’s true happiness! Read More