14th Meditation on God the Father

It is important for the Lord that we know Him as He really is. Jesus Himself tries again and again to convey to us the true image of the Father. Indeed, it is only when we have the right image of Him that we can live in a trusting relationship with Him, just as He has intended for us. Then the joyful reality that God’s light spreads in this world shines forth, and Jesus’ words become a reality: “You are light for the world” (Mt 5:14). Read More


God brings those who believe in Him into an ever deeper relationship with Him, and purifies them of all that hinders them from fully receiving His love. If they live in this trust that the Father asks of them, they will shine as “the light of the world” (Mt 5:14).

“And light shines in darkness…” (Jn 1:5). Read More

The consequences of sin

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2 Kgs 11:1-4.9-18.20

When Athaliah mother of Ahaziah learned that her son was dead, she promptly murdered all those of royal stock. But Jehosheba, daughter of King Jehoram and sister of Ahaziah, surreptitiously rescued Jehoash son of Ahaziah from among the princes who were to be murdered, and put him with his nurse in the sleeping quarters; in this way she hid him from Athaliah, and he was not killed. Read More


How many false images of God prevent us from returning with confidence to our Heavenly Father!

Already in Paradise the Devil gave our first parents to understand that God would not grant him the knowledge of good and evil.

The forces of darkness continued to sow these lies about God, so that not infrequently an unjust and hurtful distrust towards the Heavenly Father has arisen in people. He himself addresses this in his Message to Mother Eugenia Ravasio:

“Most of the unbelievers, the impious and various communities remain in their iniquity and unbelief because they think that I am asking the impossible of them, that they have to submit to My commands like slaves of a tyrannical lord, whose power and pride keep him distant from his subjects, to oblige them to show Him respect and devotion. No, no, My children! I know how to make Myself small, far smaller than you can imagine”.

That is why it is so important to convey the true image of our Heavenly Father, such as He really is, so that souls may be conquered by love. This in no way means that He is a God who leaves man to decide for himself what is good and what is evil, thus turning his life upside down. On the contrary, our Father’s love makes us realise that we can only find the deepest meaning of our existence when we move within the framework of his commandments. This is what he tells us further on:

“What I do require is the faithful observance of the commandments I gave the Church, so that you will be rational creatures and will not be like animals because of your lack of discipline and your evil inclinations, so that you will preserve the treasure which is the soul I gave you, clothed in the fullness of its divine beauty!”

We must not lose the beauty that God has given us! This is our Father’s great concern for us. He wants us to take in and receive all that He has prepared for us and that we do not get lost.