The unredeemed creation

Seventh Christmas Meditation

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For a long time it has been a tradition that in the nativity scene the grotto of Bethlehem is not only illuminated by the splendour of the Child Jesus, together with Mary and Joseph, the shepherds, the wise men from the Orient bring their gifts and adore them: no, even the unreasonable creation is included! They are silent witnesses of the events in Bethlehem! In that way, the presence of the animals gets a deep meaning! Read More

The Dignity of Jesus’ Poverty

Sixth Christmas Meditation

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“You are well aware of the generosity which our Lord Jesus Christ had, that, although he was rich, he became poor for your sake, so that you should become rich through his poverty.” (2 Cor 8:9)

A poverty that makes others rich.

That’s how you could describe what happens at Christmas. Read More

The Shepherds

Fifth Christmas Meditation

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The shepherds in the fields of Bethlehem receive the message of the angels with joy and hurry to the new-born child! They are simple people who, in their simplicity of heart, understand the importance of this message and are surely overwhelmed by the holiness of the events in the Grotto of Bethlehem!

“And you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, you are by no means the least among the leaders of Judah, for from you will come a leader who will shepherd my people Israel.” (Mt 2:6).  Read More

The Child

Fourth Christmas Meditation

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The Lord is born as a child! God has chosen this way to come close to us and also to make Himself understandable for us! The child awakens joy, tenderness and love as well as the need to protect it! No one is afraid of a child! Even otherwise closed people can often meet children freely!

The child can awaken the best in people! Read More

The Holy Family

Third Christmas Meditation

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The primordial cell of human community, the family, has been strengthened by God the Father through the birth of His Son into a human family and has set its example for us. With His incarnation, God wanted to penetrate all spheres of existence, and the family is first and foremost in an excellent position. Read More

The joy of the angels

Second Christmas meditation

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The adoring parents of the Lord, Mary and Joseph, the shepherds who came from the fields and the three wise men from the Orient who are already on their way to the new-born King; they all are touched and attracted by the mystery of the Incarnation here on earth! Read More


First Christmas Meditation


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Dear friends, during the Christmas octave that is about to begin, I will leave the familiar framework of the daily interpretations of the Holy Scriptures a little behind me and instead will lay down simple meditations on the Christmas events – together with Christmas songs of the Harpa Dei Choir! I hope that the wonderful event of Christmas can come a little deeper into us! Read More

The gift of God’s love

Preparation for Christmas, Part 5

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The promise is fulfilled, it has come true. God becomes visible to us.

Jesus’ favourite disciple will later say:

“The Word became flesh, he lived among us, and we saw his glory, the glory that he has from the Father as only Son of the Father, full of grace and truth.” (Jn 1:14) Read More

Preparation for Christmas, Part 4

“A child is born to us, and he is called: Strong God.”[i]

“In him all the peoples of the earth will be blessed.”[ii]

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Actually, all people are waiting for him even if they do not know it,

for we are created for him.

Actually, all people seek him even if they do not know it,

for God has put this search within them. Read More

Why should I still be afraid?

Preparation for Christmas, Part 3

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With the child comes a new time, the hour of grace.

All are called, all are invited to receive it.

God makes it easy for us to come to him.

The tenderness of the child proclaims: Do not be afraid, I am here!

Why should I still be afraid?

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