225th Meditation

“Abide always in me, wherever you are. In me is your home and in me you will always find nourishment” (Inner Word).

This is what the Heavenly Father offers us! In the Gospel, the Lord tells us something similar: “Remain in me, as I in you” (Jn 15:4).

We can also relate these words to what happens in Holy Communion. In receiving the sacred Body of the Lord, visible unification with Him takes place.

St. Edith Stein wrote: “God, the Holy Trinity is in us. If we only knew how to build a well-sealed cell within ourselves and to withdraw into it as often as possible, then we would lack nothing anywhere in the world”.

We can, then, always and everywhere withdraw into our inner self, to meet intimately with our God, who fills our soul with His presence. There we are at home; that is, we no longer want to be anywhere else. Our soul is satiated by the presence of the Lord. Indeed, in God we find already here, in our earthly life, our eternal dwelling place, which we can enter by penetrating into the interior of our soul and whose beauty and glory will be fully manifested when we live in the beatific vision of God.

In today’s apocalyptic times, this invitation of God becomes even more pressing. The closing of the churches has taught us that we may even be deprived of access to public worship. It then becomes all the more important to feed on the Word of God and to withdraw into our inner soul.

The trusting dialogue with our Heavenly Father will lead us there, because through Him this “inner cell” is being formed and it becomes natural for us to enter it. There we will really feel at home, and we will then be able to fulfil our tasks in this world without leaving this inner home. And not only will we not neglect them, but even, being rooted in God, we will be able to offer an inner home to people who are in search of our Father. They will perceive what it means to have found our home in God, and they will be attracted by the Father’s love.