194th Meditation

“Whoever fears the Lord will act like this, and whoever grasps the Law will obtain wisdom” (Sir 15:1).

“The root of wisdom is fear of the Lord” – the psalm tells us (Ps 110:10). This precious gift of the Lord wants to lead us not to do anything that could offend in one way or another the Lord or our neighbour, who was created in His image (Gen 1,27). Thus it teaches us great vigilance and foresight, knowing well how easily love can be offended and how serious the consequences can be.

Although our gaze must always be focused first and foremost on our Heavenly Father, who gives us the wonderful gift of the fear of God, the latter also has a direct impact on our relationship with our neighbour.

Our loving Father is profoundly just and wants everyone to receive his due. His justice, which we experience day by day and which we will only fully understand in eternity, works precisely in this way. If we imitate this justice, we will acquire great wisdom, because our way of acting will become more and more like God’s way.

In other words, His spirit of justice shapes us and becomes more and more natural to us. The Spirit of the Lord does not tolerate even the slightest injustice. This Spirit will instruct us so subtly that when unjust thoughts arise in our hearts, we detect them and counteract them immediately.

Whoever obeys the gift of the fear of the Lord will do good, for he cannot but follow the Spirit. The light of God shines upon him, and the more the gifts of the Holy Spirit unfold in him, the more will wisdom flourish in his life, which glorifies the Lord and serves human beings.