262nd Meditation

 “Whoever abides in the teaching has both the Father and the Son” (2 Jn 1:9).

Our Heavenly Father has shown us a sure way to remain in communion with Him. Holy Scripture urges us again and again to hold fast to the doctrine that has been revealed to us. St. Paul even states that though an angel should come down from heaven and preach to us a gospel other than the one we have received, “let him be accursed” (Gal 1:8). No false doctrine must find a place in us, so that communion with our Father may unfold in the fullness of truth.

If we were to follow false doctrines, our communion with the Father would be disturbed; and if we did not convert and correct these errors in the light of truth, we would increasingly lose our union with Him. In this case, the relationship with the Father would no longer be nourished and deepened by the source of clear doctrine. Moreover, our Father would no longer be able to touch us in the same way with His love and to give Himself to us.

If we plunge into error, then the door that was hitherto open is closed, and our soul is in the greatest danger. Our Father stands at the door, speaking to us with love and patience, but we are no longer able to understand Him. In the worst case, we even lose faith.

With the right doctrine, the Church has received a great treasure to guard. It is the lamp on our path, illuminating our way and enabling us to distinguish what pleases God and what separates us from Him. Sound doctrine is the light that is to illuminate all people and invite them to return to the Father’s house and to remain with Him.