Why, beloved Father, do you want us to know you, honour you and love you, as you told Mother Eugenia Ravasio? If You possess fullness in Yourself and lack nothing…

But You Yourself give us the answer:
“It is not because I need My creature and his adoration that I desire to be known, honoured and loved; the only reason why I am stooping down to him is to save him and give him a share in My glory.”

Now I understand it better: the reason You want to be known, honoured and loved is so that You can grant us all that You have prepared for us. So in You we find selfless love; a love that gives itself even though it has no need of us.

It is necessary that we first learn to understand this love more deeply. That is why You mention first of all that we must know You. It is the knowledge of how you really are, free from false images of yourself.

To know You is life; moreover, eternal life, just as Your Son taught us:

“Eternal life is this: to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” (Jn 17:3)

And the more we come to know You, the more You can communicate to us. To love You means to follow You in all that You entrust to us, to keep Your commandments, to love Your precepts, to give our hearts to You and thus to correspond to Your love.

Then love grows without limits and the words of Jesus become true: “Anyone who has will be given more” (Mt 13:12).

Then nothing will be difficult any more, because love will sustain us.

To honour you, Father, is the most natural duty of love for your children, for we have received everything from your hands.

The angels and saints also know this, with whom we bow before you in joy and reverence, for you are the one true God.

And in honouring your glory, we become more and more aware of your majesty and rid ourselves of all recklessness and frivolity.