281st Meditation

“Your life and your mission are precious to me” (Inner Word).

Every human life has been created by God, and He has given it a task to fulfil. Indeed, each life has to proclaim the One from whose hands it came and to be inserted into the plan of salvation of His love.

If we human beings can take such delight in contemplating the beauty of Creation, for example, a little flower – which is one among many – then this flower has fulfilled a marvellous mission. It has caused joy to the children of God and its existence has become precious to us. We recognise that it was the Lord, in His overflowing love, who wanted to delight us with this little flower, and we praise Him for it, because through it He shows us His love.

And if we delight in Creation, how much more will the Father delight in beholding human beings as the masterpiece of His creation? Having been created in His image (cf. Gen 1:27), we reflect His Presence in this world even more than that lovely little flower. “God saw all he had made, and indeed it was very good” (Gen 1:31).

Is it any wonder that our life is precious in God’s eyes? Did He not Himself prepare everything so that this life might flourish? Did He not give His own life in the Person of His Son, so that we might have true life and not perish? Has He not shown us in countless ways how precious we are to Him?

If the little flower can bring joy to a child of God, how much more can our life delight our Father! How much can it serve to move other people also to glorify God, thus increasing His praise! Our Father does and will continue to do everything to enable us to fulfil the mission He has given us in this life.

Our little flower is not aware that it has fulfilled its task. We, on the other hand, hope that God, in His goodness, will grant us that one day, when we are called to leave this world, we will be able to say with St. Paul: “I have fought the good fight to the end; I have run the race to the finish; I have kept the faith” (2 Tim 4:7).