“If you cling unwaveringly to Me, if you reject with all strength all thoughts that confuse you and anchor your heart unfathomably in Me, then it will no longer be you who live, but I will live in you and will have become your life” (Inner Word).

This guideline of our Father is for times of great confusion, such as we live today in the world and even in the Church. It is in such times that the Father is especially close to His own, sustaining them in all difficulties and preparing them to withstand whatever comes their way.

In times of turbulence, whether internal or external, we are called to take refuge in our “inner castle”, where our Father has made His dwelling, in order to cultivate an intimate communion with Him. The more we unite ourselves to Him, the more He will become our life, as the Apostle to the Gentiles exclaimed: “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me” (Gal 2:20).

Then, when the powers of evil want to confuse us and try to harass us in our soul, they will meet the Lord Himself, who will resist them, because He has made His dwelling place in us. So it was with the desert fathers, who had to fight many battles against demons: thanks to their deep union with the Lord, the powers of darkness were weakened and Christ was victorious in them.

But this invitation of the Father does not only refer to the concrete resistance we must offer in the spiritual battle; rather, the beauty and goodness of divine life must unfold in us and become light, both for ourselves and for all people. In the long run, this will be the surest weapon against all the powers of darkness, for where the light of our Father shines, they cannot resist. That is why they flee when they meet the woman who bruises the head of the serpent (cf. Gen 3:15).