117th Meditation on God the Father

“Do what I have already instructed you to do: honour Me with a special devotion. May this make you know My will to give you many benefits and to let you share in large measure in My power and My glory, simply in order to make you happy and save you, and to show My sole desire: to love you and be loved in return by you” (Father’s message to Sr. Eugenia Ravasio).

The special devotion that the Father asks for is, roughly speaking, a liturgical Feast in His honor to be established in the Church and then in the whole world. Its official establishment has not yet taken place, but what has emerged, at least on a private level, is an Office to God the Father, which indeed also corresponds to one of the desires He expresses in this context. Therefore, we can hope that the words of the Message we are hearing today can be applied, at least partially, if we correspond to His desire to be known, loved and honored, also through the liturgical Office, even if it is still only practiced in a small circle.

Our Father wants to make us sharers in His power and glory, just as a good father would do on a human level, wanting to give his children the best he has. This power He wants to share with us is related to love and not to omnipotence. Lucifer, on the other hand, coveted God’s omnipotence, but not His goodness.

In the Name of the Father, we can perform the works He has entrusted to us and act in His authority. If we speak of Him, He is present. If in His Name (and the same counts for the Name of Jesus) we repel the attacks of the evil one, it will be His power that drives him away. If we practice good works in His Spirit, they will glorify Him. If we pray the Office to God the Father, He will grant us the grace it brings.

The more our hearts belong to our Father, the more His heart can also rest in us. And what He wants to give us is very great, because it is to have a part of Himself. Consequently, He will also make us sharers in His power and glory. God wants it this way and we can have recourse to this offer of His.

We must understand that we are not slaves who merely carry out orders, but children to whom the Father wants to give everything and who must prove themselves worthy of this honor.

NOTE: In this context, we indicate that in the following link you can find the Office to God the Father sung:

Texts of the Office to God the Father:

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