283rd Meditation

“I come from God, My Father; to Him I return; to Him alone I belong” (Father’s message to Sr Eugenia Ravasio).

With what simplicity the Father reveals to us our deepest identity, making us discover at the same time the meaning of our existence, which consists in knowing, honouring and loving this our Father.

Don’t we feel forever at home just listening to these words? If someone asks us, “Who are you? Where do you come from? Where are you going?” this answer might lead them to inquire further, until they arrive at the question, “And who is your Father?”

Our Father Himself is our home.

“I come from God, My Father; to Him I return; to Him alone I belong.” When I heard these words from the mouth of a woman who was preparing for the hour of her death, I knew she had understood: she would now return home! Her Father was waiting for her! She had grasped His love and was on her way to eternal bliss. She would not go into the unknown; she would run the race to the finish (cf. 2 Tim 4:7). And then I rejoiced for her and also for our Father, who had redeemed her through His Son and would now have her forever with Him in eternal life.

This is a sentence for all of us during the short time of our pilgrimage through this world.

Did not Our Lord say that He would go ahead to prepare a place for us? Did He not assure us that in His Father’s house there are many dwelling places (Jn 14:1-2)?

We are on our way, bearing witness to the One who created us in His image. He created us, redeemed us and sent us, and we are on our way to His glory. Our Father is waiting for us to celebrate the feast of love.

And what can we bring to Him? A heart that loves Him and has brought His love to mankind.

Our Father cannot and will not allow Himself to be outdone in generosity, even though we have done no more than what we ought to have done (Lk 17:10).