272nd Meditation

“In season and out of season, the whole world must know that there is a God and a Creator” (Father’s message to Sister Eugenia Ravasio).

In yesterday’s meditation, we had addressed this question to our Heavenly Father: “What are the works that you want to accomplish through us?”

In the Message to Mother Eugenia, He gives us an unequivocal answer: “In season and out of season, the whole world must know that there is a God and a Creator”.

This is the fundamental requirement for people to live in truth. There are so many who do not yet know God or have a wrong image of the Father, so that they live in ignorance of the goodness of the Lord that constantly surrounds them.

This is suffering in many ways: for God it is suffering that people do not know His love and therefore cannot accept it; for people themselves it is suffering because they miss what is essential to their existence, even if they do not realise it; for those who already live as children of God it is also suffering because they cannot achieve that familiarity with others which only comes from living together in the light of God. What is lacking is that unity of spirit which is the bond between those who obey and follow the Lord. The basic conditions for living in true peace are lacking.

The words “in season and out of season” speak directly to us. The Father’s desire is that we bear witness to Him, and He encourages us to overcome any timidity or laziness in proclaiming Him. If we make people understand that this God and Creator is, at the same time, the Father who loves them so much, then what the Father promises in the Message to Mother Eugenia will be fulfilled:

“If all men who are far from our Catholic Church heard people talking about this Father Who loves them, (…) then many of these men, even the most obstinate ones, would come to this Father”.

How wonderful it would be if, at the end of our days, when we prepare to meet the Heavenly Father in eternity, we could say to Him with all our hearts, “We have tried to testify Your love to people, beloved Father. We have not been afraid to do so, even when it might have seemed out of season.”