324th Meditation

“Is it not true that, if you knew this Father (…), you would love Me as affectionate children?” (Father’s Message to Sister Eugenia Ravasio).

We know that, in the Message to Mother Eugenia, the Father speaks again and again that we must know Him, honour Him and love Him.
In the passage we heard today, He refers specifically to the theme of knowing Him.

Indeed, the depth of knowledge will determine the level of love, because to the extent that we know our Father, His love pours into our hearts and inflames them. This is all the more understandable for us if we consider that the Holy Spirit, who is the love between the Father and the Son, can thus penetrate even more deeply into our heart, enlightening and inflaming it from within.

It is He, our divine Friend, who cries out in us: “Abba, beloved Father” (cf. Gal 4:6). Who knows the Father better than God Himself? Who could reveal His love to us more deeply? It is He, the Spirit of love and truth, who transmits to us in an incomparable way the loving presence of our Father. So it will not only be to know the Father by gratefully acknowledging His marvellous works, by perceiving His gracious Providence and His care for us humans; but the Holy Spirit will make us “taste” the Father’s love from within.

What effect will this have on us?

Surely, our love for God the Father will become even more endearing. And along with this growth in love, a door will open through which the Lord wants to lead us. He will make use of this growth in love, for how He longs for all people to experience His love!