“My presence among you is like the sun on the earth. If you are well disposed to receive Me, I will come very close to you, enter into you, light you up and warm you with My infinite love” (The Father’s message to Sister Eugenia Ravasio).

On a natural level, the sun gives us light and warmth, awakening us to life. It is a wonderful gift from God. The Father uses this example to compare it with His presence and His work in our midst.

On our part, we need the right disposition: to live in a state of grace. God is there for all people and wants to enlighten the heart of each one, but He cannot penetrate and dwell in us when we are not properly prepared for it. Once we are ready to receive Him, God will bring us supernatural life, nourish it and give us light and warmth.

If we remain in God’s grace, it becomes a permanent state, but it also requires our attention and care, so that we know how to receive the gentle presence of our Heavenly Father better and better. Love must grow!

For this we must take time for God. Let us think of Jesus, who often withdrew to solitary places to be alone with His Father in prayer (Lk 5:16). Let us remember that the Lord awaits us in the tabernacle of the church. His gentle presence in the Holy Host is like the sun of which our Father speaks. We can simply remain at His feet and let ourselves be warmed by His love.

The Father wants to come very close to us! He longs for us to accept His love and to reciprocate. In this way, not only are we the beneficiaries, receiving His light and being filled with His love, but we are also fulfilling a deep desire of our Father: to be close to us and to be able to dwell in our hearts.