208th Meditation

“I exhort you again and again to trust, for nothing can terrify a soul who puts its trust in the Lord and places its hope in Him. The enemy of our salvation is always lurking around trying to snatch from our hearts the anchor that leads us to salvation-by that I mean trust in God our Father. Let us hold this anchor very tightly and never allow it to be yielded up even for an instant. Otherwise all could be lost” (St. Pio of Pietrelcina).

Again and again we are urged to trust in our Heavenly Father. Indeed, this is also the great theme of the Father’s Message to Mother Eugenia Ravasio. Trust in our Father is so decisive that we must meditate on it again and again, contemplating it from various perspectives and putting it into practice day after day.

Even more helpful than contemplating the beauty of trust as such is to remember that the Father Himself asks us to have this trust in Him, because in this way we glorify Him and show Him our love. Moreover, our trust gives the Father “free access” to shower us with His love without hindrance.

As Padre Pio tells us, it is also necessary to defend trust in the face of attacks, because the enemy of the human race tries to instil in us distrust in God, as he did in Paradise in the first temptation (cf. Gen 3:1-7). His pretensions must be rejected, countering every feeling of distrust with an even deeper act of trust of our will.

Not only can we ask the Lord to strengthen our trust, but we must also resolve to trust Him, especially in the hours of darkness and tribulation.

We must hold the anchor of trust, because it is an anchor of salvation especially in the dark times in which we currently find ourselves. God will guide us through this time and we can expect that, once it is over, the light of the Gospel and the goodness of God for mankind will shine more brightly again.