“What do I desire to achieve with this work of love, if not to find hearts able to understand Me?” (Message of God the Father to Sr. Eugenia Ravasio)

During the last few days, we spoke in the “3 minutes for Abba” about the human heart, which the Lord knows even in its most remote corners. In the short passage we heard today from the Father’s Message, we are told that He is looking for hearts that are able to understand Him.

To understand God, means to internalise His motivations which always spring from love, to perceive His incomparable goodness and to live in a relationship of trust with Him, so that it is easy for the Father to communicate Himself to us.

Mother Eugenia Ravasio was able to experience this closeness when the Father assured her:

“Day by day I will talk to you about My wishes for men, about My joys and My sorrows”.

So close can God draw a person to Himself, making her His intimate friend! Not that God needs her, for He possesses fullness in Himself. But He desires this relationship of trust with man, simply because He loves him.

It is this love that moves Him to go out in search of hearts that correspond to Him and thus come to understand Him. Perhaps at first the idea that God wants to speak with us in such a familiar and trusting way may seem a little strange to us, since we human beings are often so little comprehensive, especially when it comes to the supernatural world.

But as we read the Gospel we will find the beloved disciple, St. John, reclining on the breast of Jesus; and we will hear how the Lord says to His apostles: “No longer do I call you servants, but friends” (Jn 15:15).

So why should it not be so with our Father? Can we put a limit to His love just because we find it hard to imagine that He wants to be so close to us? No, we must not! Rather, let us be seduced by His love.

Let us not dwell on how small and weak we feel, nor on how unworthy we are of this love. Rather, let us look at God’s loving longing for us, and let us tell Him – however tímidly – that we want to be one of those hearts that understand Him.