205th Meditation

“Whoever approaches Me with trust receives My grace with such superabundance, that he cannot contain it and radiates it on others” (Words of the Lord to St. Faustina Kowalska).

These beautiful words give us to understand that the Lord wants to make us recipients of His grace. In this way, the graces that He bestows on us will not only serve to fill our soul and make it blossom in all its beauty; they will also reach other people through us, because the Lord always thinks of all people and wants to lead them all back home, to His Kingdom.

This makes us discover the Being and the intentions of our Heavenly Father. He always has our salvation in view, and our trust is the way for Him to grant us His grace in superabundance.

We can easily understand this if we replace the word “grace” with “love”. When we encounter God’s love in an attitude of trust, this love pours into our hearts in such a way that we cannot contain it and want to pass it on to others. How we wish that all people could experience God’s love!

This can motivate us even more to increase our trust in God, because we gain a wider perspective if other souls can be won for God through our close relationship with Him. Then true peace enters the heart and the doors to love God and neighbour open wide.

And if the true peace of God dwells in us, these words of St. Seraphim of Sarov can become a reality:

“Acquire the Spirit of Peace and a thousand souls around you will be saved”.